I Live the Raw Lifestyle – Do You?
Raw is a lifestyle, not just a diet. This idea can intimidate some, because they never entertained the idea of an entire “lifestyle” relating to their food choices. For others, like myself, I love...
View ArticleMy day so far…
It’s about 3pm and I’m just waking up. I stayed up late watching movies (something to the tune of 4:30am). The night began with going to a late movie, Eastern Promises (starring Viggo Mortensen)....
View ArticleHazelnut Chocolate Snowballs – A Great Gift
The holidays are my favorite time of year, and now is a good time to start planning. One of the things I love to do is give Raw desserts as gifts. Gone are the days of giving unhealthy, fattening,...
View Article10 Things You Should Never Buy Again
You probably know by now that I’m all about LIVING THE RAW VEGAN LIFESTYLE, and that means my actions are beyond what food passes my lips. I’m also trying to be as green as possible. Here is a helpful...
View ArticleGreen Cleaning Supplies I Love
Living a healthy lifestyle does not stop at eating Raw Vegan food, although that’s the best start! Achieving optimal health also extends to your immediate environment. Think about it – does it make...
View ArticleHemp Purses – My New Purse Style: An Awesome Statement
I’ve been needing a new purse for a while now. My closet is filled with torture (beautiful as the end result may seem, my Chanel and Gucci bags just aren’t sexy to me anymore). So, they continue to...
View ArticleBeauty Products I Use (Eco and Animal Friendly) – Environmental Working Group...
I received the following from a reader: I would love to see more beauty product reviews and info. I’m always looking for a great new shampoo/body wash/etc… and I trust you to find the healthiest...
View ArticleEASY Beauty Routine – Oil Cleansing
I’ve mentioned on a few occasions about one of the biggest and quickest improvements I experienced going from decade-long-vegan to omnivore was improvement in the condition and aging of my skin. I...
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